VR Marble Track Builder

This project is the first VR game I worked on, a virtual reality marble track builder. The team consisted of Jackle1996, BitFis and me.
The concept is simple: There are different tubes that can be placed anywhere in the virtual space. The tubes can be connected to build a long pipeline (aka. marble track). After the building process, a marble can be released into the pipeline to see if it will reach the end.
The right hand is used to grab, move, rotate and place tubes. The left hand acts as an inventory with an endless amount of tubes and marbles. There are three different types of tubes. To delete a tube, it can be moved into the trash bin that’s attached to the left hand.

To indicate which tube is touched by the right hand, the tube will change to a pink color. When placing a tube near another tube, a green “ghost tube” indicates where the tube will be placed by the auto-attach feature. This feature ensures that the tubes are always connected perfectly.

By grabbing the marble track with both hands, it can be moved and resized.

To add some more juice, there are also some sound effects. WARNING! They are loud!